Happy new year!
The new year brings a new YouTube livestream show, the Professors Podcast:
Join me LIVE today (Friday) at 4:00 pm Sydney/Melbourne time for the first episode of the Professors Podcast, which will feature a chat with Hans Peter Dietz MD PhD FRANZOG DDU CU about the measurement of research productivity and the politicization of science.
If you’re in Australia (or just living on Australian time) please do tune in for an open-ended conversation about Australia’s universities. We’ll be taking questions from the YouTube chat window, so you can be as much a part of the discussion as you’d like. We can even take call-ins, if anyone actually wants to go live with us. Seriously!
Everyone is invited, with students, recently-graduated students, and soon-to-be students being particularly welcome. We’d love to hear what you think about Australia’s universities, whatever you think. And of course if you can’t make it, that’s fine: the stream will stay up on YouTube after we’re finished.
Friday, January 7 at 4:00 pm Sydney/Melbourne time … please join us: